As went the infamous tag line of Royd Audio, whose loudspeakers were an underrated gem of the British Hi-Fi industry. Each pair was hand-built by Joe Akroyd in Telford, UK from the early ’80s until the start of the 21st Century. Over this time, Joe produced many unique and exceptional loudspeakers, all of which captured the hearts of their owners. Regret only came to those who sold them on prior to a misjudged upgrade…

Within this site, you can find a mass of information and resources about these legendary and cult loudspeakers. For new users just stumbling on their first Royds’ and long time audiophile addicts wishing to reminisce over all the models; I hope that you will enjoy them for many years to come.
Please note: although was originally the official UK Royd company website, this is no longer the case. This site has no affiliation with Royd Loudspeaker Co. Ltd and is now simple run and contributed by fans, for fans of Royd Audio loudspeakers.